How to overcome overwhelm as a creative biz owner

Three serene polaroid pictures of a beach

Look I get it. You're a multi-passionate creative babe (just like me!) You want to set up the right systems to ensure you're making that cash, but you also want to actually take care of yourself instead of constantly burning out and feeling disconnected from your higher self.

You want to feel lit up, energized, and like the magical bitch you KNOW deep down you are.

But right now, you're feeling hella overwhelmed trying to make room for everything in your schedule: your creative practice, your admin tasks, your clients/audience, your self-care, your healing, maybe a social life, space to tap into your spiritual practice and work on healing that ancestral trauma....

I get it, it's a lot and I've absolutely been there. And I'll be real with you, sometimes it's SO worth letting someone hold your hand and guide you through it ALL, business, wellness, AND witchcraft, so you're not just spinning your wheels for years on end.

Because the way I see it (and the way we guide you in the Witch Healer School btw) is that actually addressing all 3 of of those pillars simultaneously is what helps drive them ALL forward! I teach business strategy, holistic wellness, and witchcraft practices all at once, because they all deeeeeeply inform one another.

The way to overcome overwhelm as a creative biz owner is by embracing your multi-passionate brain and making those beautiful connections, instead of fighting against it.

And real talk, I find that witchcraft makes my business run more smoothly and it absolutely supports me in ALL my self-care practices (including my lux instagramable bubble bath moments and my messy break-down boundary-setting moments).

Business, wellness, and magic exist in a continuum for me. It's like an ongoing circle with you in the middle. Magical gorgeous magnetic you, attracting everything you want in this lifetime right to you.

We're often taught to just hyper focus on one thing at a time, but for us multi-passionate creatives, we need to examine things in a holistic way, and that's what I love about us (real talk, that's our super power in creating actual sustainable change in the world, because we get to create new connections)

This is EXACTLY what we do at the Witch Healer School. We take a super holistic approach in creating personalized business strategy, wellness habits, and spiritual practices to support YOU! Individual magical gorgeous you who wants to show up and be of service to your clients/audience/collectors and the world!

And we do it in a way that's super fun, supportive AF with a built in community to pump you up along the way, and also works to be non-culturally appropriative.

This is truly the only program of it's kind to combine this type of personalized and community support with business, wellness, and magic, all under one roof.

Plus, we do some POWERFUL rituals together to supercharge your goals and healing.

The Witch Healer School class of 2022 starts on May 1st (Beltane!) Are you in?


3 new things i’m trying (and 1 i’m ditching)


Loving on yourself + your biz with the pagan roots of Valentines