3 new things i’m trying (and 1 i’m ditching)

Creative and mystical woman posing on chair

Incase you couldn't tell, I'm a Capricorn sun and I low-key loooooove tinkering with habits, routines, and rituals to optimize my energy, focus, healing, and productivity.

What comes a little less naturally to me is creating a little more s p a c e for self-care, rest, and magic, but it's something I'm always reminding myself of, and being SUPER intentional about (which is totally ok and literally I am proof that you can still incorporate these things even if it's not your natural state... i'm looking at you earth/fire signs)

And honestly, I'm always trying new things and re-evaluating my routines to see what feels best for me individually, and so I can be checking in with my own cycles of energy, the cycles of the planet and Wheel of the Year, and the cycles of Astrology.

Here’s what I'm trying:

1. Waking up more intuitively (aka, letting myself sleep in a bit more when I need it) Part of me is often setting an alarm to wake up early in order to get more shit done (I tend to feel more productive 1st thing in the morning), but low key part of it is also based in not trusting myself and my body to tell me what it needs.

And also, the ever nagging feeling of “I’m not doing enough”

But what I’m realizing for myself in this moment of time is that I need more rest. Period. Which is funny, because REST is my word for 2022, so I’m using this as an opportunity to challenge myself and my preconceived notions a bit. What if I were to let myself wake up when I naturally wake up, and then started my morning routine from there?

Do I sometimes need to set an alarm still to make sure shit gets done? Or to make sure I’m ready for a client? Absolutely yes. But there are also times in my week/month where I can allow myself that space to sleep as much as I need.

2. Batching my writing and business content instead of ALWAYS writing on the fly. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to reflect in the moment in an IG post or story or Reel, but what I'm realizing is having some core content written out in advance and scheduled in Convertkit and Planoly is actually helping me feel MORE creative each day, so I'm actually really excited and lit up by what I want to make on the fly. Plus honestly, ya girl isn't always great about taking weekends off, and having that shit DONE is helping me find more time for rest and fun! And it helps me rest easier knowing that even if I need to take some down time for my physical or mental health (or, just because I fucking want to), my business is still running behind the scenes.

3. Keeping Thursday mornings open for learning something new. Ok, so those of you who have been following me for a while know that I'm a textbook earth sign who needs scheduled cry time in order to really process my feelings in a consistent way. Which I usually save for my Wednesdays (my day off) and is partially accomplished with my weekly therapy session, as well as lots of journaling and voice memos to myself, followed immediately by lots of self-soothing and some yummy takeout.

Sometimes I can bounce right back from this feelings time and get right back into things. Like this guy, who I’m convinced is also an earth sign:


But I’m realizing that sometimes I’m not quite done moving through what I need to by Thursday morning. So instead of expecting myself to be ready and ON in my routine, I’m giving myself my Thursday morning block to explore and learn new things. Sometimes they are biz related (like the stack of books that are calling my name) sometimes not. But I find that giving myself that slow ease in after emotions is super helpful, and learning something new always lights me the fuck up and gets me excited about my work.

Here’s what I'm ditching:

1. Keeping an overly strict schedule. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I NEED a lot of structure. That’s just who I am, and a part of my own internal cycles and routines). But spring is here, and I’m feeling more of that open, flowy vibe that comes with the longer days, warmer weather, and sunshine. I know for me in my body, and through my understanding of the cycles and seasons of the Wheel of the Year and Astrology, that this time of year I need to let loose a bit. Take the longer walk. Go on an impromptu adventure. Connect with more people in whatever form that needs to take each day.

Do I still have my weekly spread of what needs to happen when in my business? Absolutely yes. But I’m not being as strict about it, and moving things around when it feels good to do.

It's all about that balance and learning your own internal cycles, routines, and habits that make you feel like the badass witch and business owner and creative you are. And I'm here to help you.

Ready to tap into your own cycles, the cycles of the planet (aka the wheel of the year) and the cycles of astrology to feel your damn best and grow your business? The Witch Healer School is now open for enrollment, with early enrollment bonuses! Get your applications in now, we start on May 1st!


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