The online business space is shifting 🤔

Smiling coach sitting in a chair with her computer, in a mystical and witchy space

I've definitely been getting this sense over the last 6 months that the online business space is shifting, especially when it comes to service and online courses, maybe even products?

Have y'all been feeling this?

This def isn't the first time I've seen this happen in my 8+ years of coaching and creating magical experiences, services, artwork, and products, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Shit is changing FAST in this current timeline, which I know can feel scary and unsettling as we're sort of always in this in-between/unknown space as things shake out.

Think back to a few years ago. Online courses were popular pre-pandemic, but once many folks were quarantining at home they exploded in popularity. Coaching had an uptick as folks realized they didn't want to go back to their soul-sucking 9-5s and needed clarity in how to move forward. Overall, people were more open to online experiences, because it helped create a sense of community while we had to be separated.

This is what we all needed at the time, so the online business space shifted to accommodate that. New biz owners who were ready and able to be of service in this way got their start, while others who didn't vibe with it shifted gears to go a different way.

Fast forward to 2+ years into a pandy, and now the reality is that our capacity for work, stress, extracurriculars etc is significantly lower than it was. I'm seeing that overall we're not able to do as much as we were before, and we're getting burned out wayyyyyyy more easily. We all need more rest, and we've realized we fucking deserve it. Financially, some folks are a little more strapped in keeping up with everything.

I'm seeing this play out not only in my own business and life but also in coaches and biz owners that I know and follow. Some are scaling back to protect their own energy. Some are closing up shop. Some are taking on full-time or part-time work in addition to their business to supplement their income (or gig-work, like me!). Some are going into a completely new field.

And all of this is 10000% ok. I think there is a lot of pressure in the online business space to be killing it all the time, always growing growing growing, having a path and following it to a T. But that's not reality. Business, like anything else, ebbs and flows (in big and small ways), and NONE, I repeat, NONE of this is a reflection on you, your work, and how you choose to be of service to the world and yourself.

This is definitely the time to root down into yourself and calm the nervous system a bit so you can ask yourself some of these deeper questions. If you're feeling like your business is shifting, but you're not sure where ask yourself:

  • How am I meant to be of service in this lifetime?

  • What kind of healing is needed at this time for myself and others?

  • How can I show up for myself FIRST?

  • What am I truly, deeply, being called to learn and explore right now (even if it doesn't totally make sense yet?)

Whenever I see this type of shift happening it's always such a powerful reminder that we don't always know the path ahead, and that really our focus should be on taking the next right step. It's like those automatic porch lights illuminating on a dark street as you walk by. You can't see all of them, but as you get closer the next light pops on, and that part of the path becomes clear.

And when it really comes down to it, if you're following me and dig my work I know you're a creative and magical human, and at our core, we are creative problem solvers... That's our superpower honestly! If things feel like they're shifting, this is the time to really tap into that creative energy. How can we show up in our businesses in a whole new way? And in a way that allows for us to be fully taken care of first, in mind, body, spirit, and finances?

This part is honestly super exciting for me! If you need a little support in finding those next steps and being creative about how you run your business (as well as take care of yourself FIRST) you can book a Biz Witch Kickstart session with me for a completely personalized plan.

For me in this moment, this shift looks like carving out time to really root down and get in touch with that inner fire that drives me, trusting the little nudges I get to explore new topics (or, to put others on hold if the timing isn't right), constantly evaluating my energy levels and my own care, and checking in with my audience/clients/people to ask with curiosity and love what they need at this time. It also means that while I'm looking into new income streams, I'm also expanding existing offers to support more people while being mindful of my energy (I'll be sharing more of this in June!)

If you’ve been feeling that in-between anxious energy, take extra care of yourself right now. Know that everything will be ok, and that you, and your work, are needed in this world, no matter what form that may take! 💕

Do you notice the online business space shifting? Let me know in the comments below!


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