4 Ways to make the most of libra szn

Smiling woman with a celebratory Libra drink

A nice respite from the grounded and sometimes stubborn energy of Virgo, airy Libra (September 22nd - October 21st) is here to help us find some balance amongst the chaos, seek justice, and feel the fuck out of ourselves in the process.

It's all energy. Tapping into our inner flow and magic so we can be of service to our clients/audience. Better service. More aligned and sustainable and not rooted in savior complex.

This is also the time to check in on how we communicate with ourselves and others, our relationships (romantic especially, but all of them really), and the way we LISTEN to each other. How can you create more balance in these areas of your life?

Also Libra loves LOVE and beauty, so a sexy self-care moment is key. Don't be afraid to dress up in your fav lingerie, dance to WAP, and get into that flowwwwwwwwww.


💅Give yourself a makeover. Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra loves to look and feel their best. Invest in some new skin care, get a haircut, update your wardrobe, or just give yourself a DIY pampering day. Remember, makeup is a spell (and also intentionally NOT wearing makeup is also a spell).

💕Reflect on your relationships. Where are things out of balance in your personal, romantic, or work relationships? Ask yourself: Am I truly listening? Can I communicate more effectively and compassionately? Libra is all about finding the common ground with those in our lives so we can more deeply connect with each other.

⚖️Reconnect to your commitments to justice. How's that stack of anti-racism books going? (Calling myself in here). Are you still connecting with local law makers to make your voice heard? Have you double checked your voter registration? Ask yourself how you can recommit to the goals and ideals you set for yourself this year.

🔥Get in touch with your sensuality and sexuality. Libra loves some good romance, whether it's with a partner or on your own. Allow yourself to really reconnect with your body and your pleasure. Pick up a jade egg practice or grab yourself a cuteass Chakrub. Get naked and spend some time adoring your body in the mirror. Take a gorgeous bath with flowers and candles. When you allow yourself to fully embrace your erotic and sexual nature, you allow more abundance from the universe to come into your life (it's all connected babe!)

You are a beautiful cosmic being. Libra season is the time for you to truly step into that energy!

Wanna learn how to use the magic of the moon and astrology to schedule your self-care and business? Download your free Moon Magic for Creatives Guide here!


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